Telehealth Core Policies and Terms
The intent of any services or lifestyle recommendations offered by our staff is to support the natural, physiological, and, biochemical processes of the human body. The purpose is not to diagnose or cure any diseases. Telehealth Core does not, and will not, act as your primary care physician (PCP). You must continue to have a PCP, as well as keep them informed of all your healthcare activities.

We request a, minimum, notice of 48 hours in advance for any cancellations or rescheduling. This is for the consideration of our staff. Short or no notice will result in an office visit charge of the regular rate.
Payment in full is expected at the time of the scheduling. Telehealth Core receives payment in the form of credit or debit cards. There are no service refunds. You also authorize Telehealth Core to automatically charge your credit of debit card for any missed appointments and/or cancellations with a less than 48 hour notice, in advance at the full service fee. There is no charge for cancellations or rescheduling appointments with a more than 48 hour notice.
Additional Time Charge
If a visit goes beyond the scheduled time, there will be an additional charge going in 15 minute increments at the prorated rate. The card on file will be charged after the visit is complete.
Supplements and lab work are purchased through outside vendors, therefore, Telehealth Core cannot issue any refunds. There are no refunds for services that have already been provided (i.e. after a visit). If you purchase a set of visits/services for a discounted price​and decide that you will not be using them all, you may receive a partial discount for the remaining balance after calculating the used visits at the regular fee schedule. You may receive a full refund for a prepaid visit if Telehealth Core cancels the appointment and you do not wish to reschedule.
Primary Care Physicians (PCPs)
You must continue to have a medical PCP and keep them informed of all of your healthcare activities. Please maintain a positive working relationship with your medical doctor and continue your regular medical care and checkups. This applies to all medical providers that you are followed up by.
Updates to Telehealth Core:
All current updates to our policies will be immediately applicable to you.
Stopping Medication:
Telehealth Core providers will NOT take you off of any medications without the approval of your prescribing physician. If you wish to stop or decrease the dose of your medication, we can suggest a protocol which you will need to discuss with your medical provider (PCP or Specialist) who needs to agree, in writing, your progress and see if you are able to lower or eliminate your medication over time.
In case of an emergency, please call 911 or go to your nearest Urgent Care. Teleheath Core does not handle any emergencies.​